"Our Children and Grandchildren are not merely statistics towards which we can be indifferent" JFK

Friday, August 13, 2010

"Vote for me" Congressional Campaign $145 million per member

In an effort to get out the "vote for me" this November, the Obama Administration and Congress handed out $63 billion during the prior several weeks. The unemployment benefits extension clocked in at $34 billion followed by the $26 billion aid hand out to states with another $2 billion added to the existing Housing Finance Agency (HFA) "happy days are here again" coffers.

The final $1 billion of the $63 billion "vote for me" campaign focused solely on 17 states and the District of Columbia. Collectively and coincidentally, 221 of the 435 members of the House of Representatives were anointed as the "chosen" for the $1 billion.

California, Florida and Illinois received the 3 largest cuts of the $1 billion pie. Collectively, these 3 states send 97 of the 435 buffoons to the House of Representatives (22%) and for their "vote for me" pledge, they will receive $881.6 million of the $1 billion or just over $9 million per representative.

We  need to wait until congress returns in mid September to witness what other "vote for me" spending is required however the $63 billion already allocated equates to $145 million per representative.

From the frantic and I have to spend money along party lines Democratic incumbents, $63 billion works out to a "vote for me" investment of $247 million per member.

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