"Our Children and Grandchildren are not merely statistics towards which we can be indifferent" JFK

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

At least 60% of politicians suffer from Tardive Dyskinesia

Based on "visual" research, grandpa concludes that at least 60% of politicians suffer from Tardive Dyskinesia (tär-div- dys·ki·ne·sia) .
Tardive Dyskinesia:  a neurological disorder characterized by involuntary uncontrollable movements especially of the mouth, tongue, trunk, and limbs and occurring especially as a side effect of prolonged use of antipsychotic drugs.

Symptoms Include:

Involuntary Finger Movements

Facial Grimacing

Lip Pursing

Jaw Movements

Tongue Protrusion

Lip Puckering

Involuntary Movements-Repetitive and Purposeless

Chewing-like Movements

Tongue Movements


  1. Interesting posts - and particularly, great pictures of Jolly Joe! LOL

  2. Thanks for the read and comments. The whole "finger" thing with politicians got the blodd flowing to the right brain and the more I viewed politicians, I knew it had to be a medical condition...
