"Our Children and Grandchildren are not merely statistics towards which we can be indifferent" JFK

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Zero Hedge recaps today's market launch and yes, NO VOLUME

The latest market trampoline action on horrendous consumer credit news should be sufficient to get every last sane person out of this illegal, yet fully government endorsed, backdoor gambling operation, or at least those that are stupid enough not to be trading with other people's money. Today marks the most recent long white candlestick on almost record low volume for a ramp day. Note the straight line higher immediately following the consumer credit collapse and the leak that QE2 is coming any minute. Our only question is how bad is the news coming this weekend for the primary dealers to need to surge the market so high on nothing. Well, that, and also we wonder if after the circus rang the closing bell on the Nasdaq two days ago, whether today the Sicilian mafia will be at the NYSE close.

How do you define manipulation?
1. Shrewd or devious management, especially for one's own advantage.
2. To manage or influence cleverly (and dishonestly)
3. To control or play upon by artful, unfair, or insidious means especially to one's own

Welcome to the U.S. Equity "Shake and Bake" Market
(do you really believe this is a venue for investing...?)

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